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Sadarbībā ar "Pornhub" izveidota pirmā augstās modes pornofilma un apģērbu kolekcija

Ilustratīvs attēls. "Namilia" modes skates tērps.
Ilustratīvs attēls. "Namilia" modes skates tērps. Foto: AFP

Berlīnes zīmols "Namilia" sadarbībā ar pasaulslavenās porno vietnes "Pornhub" aktrisēm radījis jaunu kapsulas kolekciju, kura redzama abu zīmolu sadarbības pornogrāfiskajā īsfilmā. 

"Seksuālās baudas kosmoss ir aprobežojies ar dažiem garlaicīgiem un šovinistiskiem stāstiem, kas domāti vīriešu acīm. Vairs nē. Porno nav tikai vīriešiem, vairākām sievietēm iepriekš ticis liegts noteikt naratīvu," teikts zīmola sociālajos tīklos.

"Pornhub" aktrises, kuras tērpušās "Namilia" zīmola jaunajā apģērbu kolekcijā, īsfilmā redzamas masturbējot un gūstot baudu ar dažādām seksa rotaļlietām.

Jaunā kapsulas kolekcija sadarbībā ar "Pornhub" ietver sevī piecus dažādus stilus, kas radīti par godu "Herotica" - pasaulei, kurā sieviete nosaka dialogu, naratīvu un pārvalda katru sava ķermeņa milimetru, mainot heteroseksuāla vīrieša skatījumu. 

Kolekcijā pieejami sporta kostīmi, saīsināti topi, jakas ar kapuci un kleitas.


?Sound on PORNHUB X NAMILIA This season, talent from Pornhub’s model program continue the fight for sexual empowerment as they “un-dressed” in the new Pornhub x Namilia collection. The short film directed during quarantine from home through Zoom by Gogy Esparza features @asahole @foxy_locksy @here_on_neptune @rejaniced @raelilblack “The cosmos of sexual pleasure has been restricted to a few boring and chauvinistic narratives for the pleasure of the male gaze, up until rather recently. Porn isn’t something existentially male, most women just have been previously excluded from determining the narrative“ The capsule collection in collaboration with Pornhub of five looks comprise the world of HEROTICA - a world where women are in charge of the dialogue, the narrative, and every inch of their bodies, turning the tables on the straight male perspective. HEROTICA can be viewed on Pornhub’s YouTube channel (SFW) and the Pornhub x NAMILIA channel (NSFW) The PORNHUB x NAMILIA collection consists of NAMILIA’s signature velour tracksuits in Hot Pink and Black with white crystal embellishments that scream quarantine bling, while cropped harness tees, hoodies, and moto-cross dresses round out the dominant themes of the collection. The collection is available for purchase on www.PornhubApparel.com and www.NAMILIA.com and in our Berlin Studio Store Directed and edited by @_gogito Models @asahole @foxy_locksy @here_on_neptune @rejaniced @raelilblack All Clothing @_namilia_ Music by @baltra Intro music by @official_sadboyz Title VFX by @reggie_dankwa and @jesseseegers

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