Šodienas redaktors:
Eva Gaigalniece
Iesūti ziņu!

Puisēns, kurš izglāba savu māsu no nikna suņa, apbalvots ar īpašu čempiona jostu

Aizvadītajā nedēļā plašu atpazīstamību guva puisēns vārdā Bridžers Volkers, kurš glāba savu māsu no nikna suņa, tādējādi tiekot nopietni sakosts. Pasaules boksa padome varonīgajam puisēnam piešķīrusi īpašu apbalvojumu.

WBC puisēna drošsirdīgo rīcību atalgoja ar čempiona titula piešķiršanu, kā arī īpašu čempiona jotu.

"Esam pagodināti piešķirt Bridžeram Volkeram goda čempiona nosaukumu par viņa varonību, kas parādīja visaugstākās cilvēciskās vērtības. Bridžer, tu esi varonis!" teikts WBC paziņojumā.

Bridžera tante Nikija Volkere paudusi, ka ģimene labprāt personīgi pateiktos katram labo vārdu teicējam vai dāvanu sūtītājam, taču šādu cilvēku esot tūkstošiem.

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When I initially posted a week ago, I never would have anticipated the response we‘ve received. I, honestly, expected—at best—a signed postcard from one of the Avengers. And, well, here we are. We’ve received tens of thousands of messages and are so overwhelmed with the outpouring of love Bridger has received. Although we haven’t had the time or manpower to respond to every post or video, please, know that we are seeing them. If there are words adequate enough to express our gratitude, I do not know them. Thank you for the words of encouragement. Thank you for the rock pictures. Thank you for the artwork and songs. Thank you for honoring Bridger by donating to @mission_22, @ourrescue, and @wwp. We look forward to sharing with you some of those things that have made Bridger smile this week. In the future we also hope to share some of the words and stories you have shared with us to strengthen and uplift our family. We have all been touched by the power of one story and hope you can continue to make a difference in your communities and to have a positive impact as you love and serve those around you. Credit for photos in order that they appear: @angelofrance @bosslogic @alicecurley

A post shared by Nikki Walker (@nicolenoelwalker) on


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