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Marina Latiševa
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Juta Valdmane skaidro, kādēļ palielinājusi krūtis (8)

Fitnesa skaistule Juta Valdmane 2017. gadā publiski pavēstīja, ka veikusi krūšu palielināšanas operāciju. Nu viņa izdevumam "Ieva" skaidro savu lēmumu. 

Kā atklāj Valdmane, krūšu izmērs viņai traucējis piepildīt savu sievišķību: "Jau no pusaudzes vecuma zināju, ka man gribētos kuplas krūtis, runāju par to un biju priecīga, ka mana fantastiskā ģimene to atbalstīja. Tūlīt pēc operācijas mamma to pateica tētim, un viņš piezvanīja, lai mani apsveiktu.

Vai es kaut ko nedrīkstu darīt tikai tāpēc, ka kāds cits, redz, tā nedarītu?

Ja man visu laiku jāuztraucas par to, ko par mani saka, - kad tad lai es dzīvoju!"

Viņa piebilst: "Man patīk, kā izskatās sievietes ar mazām krūtīm, bet pati sev es tāda nepatiku. Kāpēc lai es neiegūtu lielāku pārliecību par sevi? Krūtis ir gaumes jautājums. Arī tas, kā es izskatos, kādam var patikt, kādam nepatikt, bet neesmu eiro vai dolārs, lai patiktu visiem."

Pilnu interviju ar Jutu Valdmani lasiet žurnāla "Ieva" jaunākajā numurā!


I cant even count how many questions I have received all my life about where I got my teeth done. So I finally decided to make a post about it ? The truth is- I have never had them done! These are mine. I know I'll upset a lot of people who are calling me names and saying I'm all fake just because I have a breast augmentation done earlier in life. I'm just so done with these rumors. Even people who have seen me in real life asks me where I got them done which is fine, it's just that I have always been so proud of my smile since I was younger as I have never even had braces. All I did was whiten them, thats all ✌️ And people- it's nothing wrong to change how you look- teeth, lips, breasts as long as you want to look better version of yourself, not to look like someone else. . And for your information- I don't give a sh*t what people think of me, I'm just tired explaining all the written above. Take care

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All roads lead to Italy ❤️❤️❤️ #italy #bari #vacation #finally

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2009 vs 2019 ??

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