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Slavenā mūziķe Demija Lovato pārsteidz fanus ar savu "dibenzodu" un vasarraibumiem (1)

Demija Lovato
Demija Lovato Foto: AFP / Scanpix

27 gadus vecā amerikāņu dziedātāja Demija Lovato pārsteigusi savus fanus, daloties ar foto, kurā redzama bez kosmētikas.

"Jau gadiem neesmu piedalījusies #NoMakeupMonday, bet pēc dalīšanās ar tik daudzām glamūrīgām bildēm, kurās man ir tonna meikapa un mākslīgie mati, ir svarīgi sevi parādīt arī bez visa tā. Tā es izskatos 85%-90% laika," viņa komentēja foto.

Lovato turpināja: "Es lepojos ar saviem vasarraibumiem, es lepojos ar savu dibenzodu un lepojos, ka pieņemu sevi tādu, kāda esmu."

Kā jau ziņots, viņa pērn dalījās arī ar kadru, kurā redzams viņas celulīts. "Es esmu pārgurusi kaunēties par savu ķermeni," šo kadru komentēja slavenība.


This is my biggest fear. A photo of me in a bikini unedited. And guess what, it’s CELLULIT!!!! I’m just literally sooooo tired of being ashamed of my body, editing it (yes the other bikini pics were edited - and I hate that I did that but it’s the truth) so that others think I’m THEIR idea of what beautiful is, but it’s just not me. This is what I got. I want this new chapter in my life to be about being authentic to who I am rather than trying to meet someone else’s standards. So here’s me, unashamed, unafraid and proud to own a body that has fought through so much and will continue to amaze me when I hopefully give birth one day. It’s such a great feeling to be back in tv/film while not stressing myself with a strenuous workout schedule before 14 hour days, or depriving myself from a real birthday cake rather than opting for watermelon & whip cream with candles because I was terrified of REAL cake and was miserable on some crazy diet shit. Anyway, here’s me, RAW, REAL! And I love me. And you should love you too! Now back to the studio.. I’m working on an anthem.. ??????‍♀️ also. Just so everyone’s clear.. I’m not stoked on my appearance BUT I am appreciative of it and sometimes that’s the best I can do. I hope to inspire someone to appreciate their body today too. ? #nationalcelulliteday #celluLIT ???

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