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Šārona Osborna mainījusies līdz nepazīšanai

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Foto: AP/Scanpix

67 gadus vecā Šārona Osborna, leģendārā rokmūziķa Ozija Osborna sieva, mūsu atmiņās palikusi ar vienmēr sarkaniem matiem, taču tagad tas ir mainījies.

Par krasajām pārmaiņām atbildīgs slavenību frizieris Džeks Mārtins. Viņš savā sociālā tīkla “Instagram” kontā ievietoja pārvērtību foto, komentējot: “Šāronai ir 100% sirmu matu, taču viņa pēdējos 18 gadus tos krāsoja sarkanus reizi nedēļā. Viņa man paskaidroja, ka sen jau vēlējusies šīs pārmaiņas, taču katru reizi, kad to mēģinājusi, tas beidzies ar katastrofu.”

Viņš turpināja: “Es Šāronai neko nesolīju, bet teicu, ka darīšu, ko varēšu, – man vajadzēja kopumā astoņas stundas, lai mēs tiktu līdz šai platīnblondajai krāsai.”


Another great day in my career welcoming the most beautiful and elegant talk show host and entertainer @sharonosbourne for a complete transformation. Sharon has 100% white hair and she was coloring her hair once a week dark vibrant red for the past 18 years. she explained to me that she wanted to do this transformation long time ago but every time she attempts it ends up with a disaster. Sharon was very tired of coloring her hair once a week and she was obligated to since she is on tv almost every day hosting her popular tv show @thetalkcbs . I didn’t promise Sharen anything but I told her I will try my best, it took me a total of 8 hours from start to finish to get her to a platinum blonde so she doesn’t have to be committed to coloring her hair once a week anymore. I had great time spending my day off with this gorgeous, humble, and sweet soul. ____________________________________________ Products used in this transformation. Lightener: @wellahairusa blondor with 20 vol Bond insurance: @olaplex Toner: @pravana 10.07 with zero lift Treatment: olaplex number 2 Color tools : @framar ——————————————————— #behindthechair #americansalon #modernsalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon @modernsalon #silverhair #platinumhair #opaplex #wellahair #wella #wellaprofessional #pravana #sharonosbourne #celebrityhair #platinumhair @saloncentric @cosmoprofbeauty

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Osborna, kura ikdienā ir viena no sarunu šova "The Talk" vadītājām, vakar stājās kameru priekšā ar jauno frizūru.


Isn’t she gorgeous, what an honor. @thetalkcbs @sharonosbourne #jackmartincolorist

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