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Arhitekts plāno uz Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāles jumta veidot fermu (3)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: Ekrānuzņēmums

Francijas arhitektūras birojs "Vincent Callebaut Architectures" piedāvā jaunu projektu Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāles restaurācijai. Arhitekti vēlas izveidot stikla jumtu un ierīkot dārzu, kas kalpos kā "pilsētas ferma", vēsta "Postimees".

Idejas autors ir Beļģijas arhitekts. Viņš Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāles restaurācijas projektu, kurā ir paredzēts izveidot stikla jumtu, sauc par "Palingenesis". Tulkojumā no grieķu valodas, tas nozīmē "atdzimšanu".


"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

A post shared by Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures) on

Arhitekti piedāvāja izgatavot jumtu un torni no stikla, ozola un oglekļa šķiedras. Kā stāsta eksperti, tad jumta segums izstrādās siltumu un elektrību. Turklāt viņi piedāvā izveidot arī pasīvo ventilāciju, kas tiks izveidota stikla jumtā. 

Kā vēsta projekta apraksts, paredzēts izveidot arī dārzu meditācijai un cilvēku noskaņošanai uz mieru.


"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

A post shared by Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures) on

Pēc autoru teiktā, dārzu varēs izmantot, lai tur audzētu augļus un dārzeņus. Aprēķini liecina, ka "pilsētas fermā" viens cilvēks varēs izaudzēt 25 kilogramus augļu un dārzeņu gadā. Izaudzētos dārzeņus un augļus piedāvā cilvēkiem nepārdot, bet izsniegt bez maksas tiem, kam trūkst.  


"PALINGENESIS, TRIBUTE TO NOTRE-DAME" advocates for an exemplary project in ecological engineering that feels true to its time and avoids a pastiche architecture that turns the city into an open-air museum. Circular economy, renewable energies, inclusive social innovation, urban agriculture farm, protection of biodiversity, without forgetting beauty and spiritual elevation: our design proposal feeds on such values to deliver a deep, conscious meaning. From primitive Gothic in the 12th century to its restoration by Viollet-le Duc in the 19th century , through the radiant Gothic of the 13th century and the flamboyant Gothic of the 14th century, Notre-Dame cathedral undoubtedly arises from centuries of work and multi-faceted inspiration. As such, it is hardy encumbered by useless musings about the overlapping styles inherent in the building. Each wave of time contributes its alluvium, each race deposits its layer on the monument, each individual brings his stone. Thus do the beavers, thus do the bees, thus do people. Victor Hugo • The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831) . . . Click on the link in our bio to discover the projet in details ☝️☝️☝️ . . . #notredame #notredamedeparis #notredamecathedral #paris #parisfrance #rebuildnotredame #circulareconomy #crosslaminatedtimber #woodenstructure #clt #solarglass #photovoltaic #renewableenergy #climatechange #urbanfarming #garden #spirituality #ecological #urbanagriculture #biodiversity #socialinnovation #beauty #gothic #forest #victorhugo #catholic #tribute #green

A post shared by Vincent Callebaut Architect (@vincentcallebautarchitectures) on

"Jaunās smailes izskats, kas it kā pacēļas no stūrakmens, simbolizē atdzimšanu, kā arī Kristus un katedrāles noslēpumu. Jaunā Parīzes Dievmātes katedrāla atkal būs sējīga apžilbināt un pastiprināt garīgo vēsti," stāsta idejas autors.  

Uz katedrāles torņa smailes idejas autori piedāvā uzstādīt no vara izgatavotu gaili, kurš pēc ugunsgrēka tika nocelts sveiks un vesels. 

Foto: Norit remontdarbi ugunsgrēka cietušajai Parīzes Dievmātes katedrālei

Foto: Ugunsgrēka postījumi Parīzes Dievmātes katedrālē

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