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Marina Latiševa
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Blogere stāsta, kā viņai izdevies notievēt par 15 kg pāris mēnešu laikā (1)

Tu tici, ka viņai ir 40?
Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
Fitnesa blogere Nessa Spere
Fitnesa blogere Nessa Spere Foto: Ekrānuzņēmums no Instagram

Vācu fitnesa modele Nesa pastāstījusi, kā viņai izdevies notievēt par 15 kg vien pāris mēnešu laikā. Tā vietā, lai samazinātu kaloriju skaitu, jaunā sieviete to ir palielinājusi līdz 2200 kalorijām dienā. Lūk, kas no tā ir iznācis.

Tiek uzskatīts, ka vienkāršākais veids, lai notievētu, ir kaloriju skaita samazināšana. Izrādās, šāda metode nemaz nav tik efektīva, kā ir pieņemts uzskatīt: fitnesa blogere no Vācijas Nesa Spere (Nessa Sphere) pastāstījusi izdevumam Glamour, kā, mainot kaloriju skaitu, var perfekti notievēt.

2000 kalorijas dienā vairumam cilvēku tiek uzskatītas par normu. Ja tu patērē mazāk, sāc tievēt, ja vairāk - tieši otrādi, pieņemties svarā. Tomēr šis noteikums arī ne vienmēr strādā, jo lielu lomu spēlē tas, ko tieši tu ēd.


I do believe that this picture should be posted on the first page of every book related to healthy fitness journey. This is an incredible transformation that only shows that scale doesn't matter! You should not care about your weight. What matters is what you see in the mirror, your strength, your health and your happiness ???? Kelsey you are just gorgeous, not only an awesome inspiration but also a great mom and wife. You show that having a family and job, doesn't mean you can't fight for your dreams and make them come true ??? Thanks to @kayla_itsines, as a part of #bbgcommunity, I already had a chance to meet in person so many incredible women living across the globe and I hope one day I meet you, Kelsey ❤️ I am so happy for you, for all you have already achieved, and I am sure there is more to come ?? You deserve all the best in the world ??? @mysweatlife #fitspo #inspiration

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“Es centos notievēt un, kā jau visi, sāku vienkārši mazāk ēst,” stāsta Nesa. “Es bieži neēdu brokastis, darbā arī nesekoju līdzi savām ēdienreizēm un vakariņās izpaudos pēc pilnas programmas, ēdot pastu, picu vai hamburgerus, neaizmirstot par desertu.”

“Kopumā es dienā uzņēmu 1600 kaloriju, bet svars nekritās. Ja es pārsniedzu noteikto kaloriju skaitu, devos skriet, taču rezultāta vēl joprojām nebija. Pēc dažu mēnešu badošanās un izmisīgiem treniņiem sporta zālē sāka zust motivācija, un es vērsos pēc palīdzības pie personīgās treneres,” blogere stāsta.

» Instagram sporta entuziasts motivē jauniešus sportot: meitenes pārāk daudz dzer un ballējas

“Pirmkārt, mēs pārskatījām manu ēšanas režīmu,” Nesa stāsta. “Trenere sastādīja man plānu: man nācās ēst 5-6 reizes dienā un katras ēdienreizes porcijai bija jāsastāv no 500 kalorijām. Sanāk 2000-2500 kalorijas.


Don't wait for the right moment to start because it may never come. Too busy, too old, too tired... Stop it! ?? 74 weeks with Sweat with Kayla app and BBG guides in between those 2 pictures. I am 39 years old, I am stronger, I am healthier and I am definitely more confident about my body ??? Thank you @kayla_itsines ❤️ #bbgprogress #bbgtransformation #bbbgresults #bikinibodyguide #bbg #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement #bbggirls #bbggoals #bbgfam #bbgjourney #bbgover30 #bbgcommunity #sweatwithkayla #sweatwithkaylaapp #strongnotskinny #deathbykayla #weighlifting #aimforprogressnotperfection #beforeandafter #transformation #bbgbeforeandafter #sweattour2016 #bbgmotivation #fitnessgoals #fitspo #bbggoals #bodygoals #fitnessmotivation

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“Tagad katru rītu es sāku ar brokastīm. Es pusdienoju katru trešo stundu, bet pēc darba mani gaida vieglas vakariņas. Manas diētas pamatā ir dārzeņi ar šķiedrvielām, liesi olbaltumvielu produkti, graudi un veselīgi tauki.”

“Kad saku, ka man ir 40 gadu, cilvēki domā, ka tas ir joks. Viss ir pateicoties manai diētai.”

Brokastis 7:00

Olu kultenis ar pilngraudu maizes tostiem un dārzeņiem.

Pusdienas 10:00, 13:00, 16:00

Pilngraudu porcija (pasta, kvinoja) vai saldie kartupeļi, proteīni (cepta vistas gaļa, tītara vai liellopu gaļa, lasis vai baltā zivs), kā arī siers, avokado un uz uguns vai grila gatavoti dārzeņi, pārlieti ar olīveļļu.

Vakariņas 20:00

Vistas vai rīsu plācenīši ar tunci un garnējumu.

“Pirmos rezultātus varēju redzēt jau pēc dažām dienām,” fitnesa blogere stāsta. “Figūra kļuva slaidāka, un pat ādas stāvoklis redzami uzlabojās. Es vairs neievilku vēderu, jo tas jau tāpat bija plakans. Vēl es arī sajūtu spēka un enerģijas pieplūdumu, kas manus treniņus padara intensīvākus.”


Nutrition ?? Some of you already know that I changed my nutrition plan lately. I am eating 5 well balanced meals per day (when I have my resistance session I drink my protein additionally) and I eat fruit only in the morning. I am quite strict during the week but let myself go more flexible in the weekend ☺️ Yes, what you see in the picture are 3 meals I eat during my 9 hours working day (I got lots of questions about this). I have also my breakfast (protein oatmeal with nuts and fruit) in the morning and salad with tuna or eggs and avocado for dinner. This is how my usual working day looks like in terms of eating ? I notice quite a big progress lately while eating this way. I will give you more details soon once 12 weeks are over. But so far I can say I am very happy with those changes ??? As well my body is ? #mealpreparation #sundaymealprep #mealprep #fooddiary #bbg #bbgweek58 #bbgweek76 #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement #sweatwithkayla #bbgjourney #healthyjourney #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthymeal #bbgfooddiary #bbgfood #bbgprogress #bbgcommunity #bbgover30 #bbgmotivation #fitnessmotivation #foodroutine #foodinspiration #foodgoals #iifym #macros #flexibledieting #macrocounting

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I am telling you guys, this is the best thing here in Thailand! Mango Sticky Rice ? This is just so delicious, rice perfectly flavored with coconut and fresh mango on side! OMG, I just don't have words ? And it's so cheap, you can have it for 50-80 BHT which is not more than 2 USD. I could eat it every day for breakfast, dessert and dinner... Yummy! ????❤️ #bbg #bikinibodyguide #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement #sweatwithkayla #bbgcommunity #bbgweek61 #bbgweek79 #healthyeating #healthymeal #fooddiary #bbgfooddiary #bbgjourney #bbgover30 #bbgbreakfast #healthybreakfast #nutrition #healthynutrition #lunchinspiration #foodinspiration #bbgnutrition #nutritionplan #healthyfoodchoice #thaifood #mangostickyrice #mangolove #mango

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Running ?✔️ I got up super early today and had the best intentions to run along the beach in the sunrise ?? I ended up power walking (as usual) and stretching on the rocks. I used to struggle with running since I remember ? Sprints were fine but long distances, no way ?? And it has never changed. Sometimes I ask myself if this still worth trying or I should definitely stop. I mean I love walking, power walking, hiking, so I guess it's a lot to choose for outside activities. Any of you has a suggestion or advise on how to get into running and if this is still possible for me to like it? I don't see any hope I think ??? Happy Thursday ? Outfit: @hm Sneakers: @underarmour #bbg #kaylaitsines #bikinibodyguide #bbgweek80 #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement #bbgjourney #bbgover30 #healthylifestyle #bbgcommunity #sweatwithkayla #polar #polarm400 #polarwatch #bbgjourney #workoutgear #workoutclothes #lornajane #morningworkout #abscheck #nike #underarmour #strongnotskinny #weightlifting #hm #running #beach #sunrise #workoutonthebeach

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Good morning babes! I just realized today it's my Week 84 and my last workout of this week and this means I will be done with 7 rounds of BBG ??? Since I am using Sweat with Kayla app it is not that obvious to count the rounds ?? But this is so exciting! I will do LISS in the evening and yay, DONE ??? But for the moment let me show you my delicious breakfast: scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes, avocado, some cheddar cheese and green olives in a whole wheat tortilla and fruit on side ? Happy Saturday everyone! ? #bbg #bikinibodyguide #kaylaitsines #kaylasarmy #thekaylamovement #sweatwithkayla #bbgcommunity #nutrition #bbgweek84 #healthyeating #healthymeal #fooddiary #bbgfooddiary #bbgjourney #bbgover30 #bbgbreakfast #healthybreakfast #tortilla #scrambledeggs #tacos #fruit #nutrition #healthynutrition #wholewheat #smoothiebowl #breakfastinspiration #foodinspiration

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Good morning! I am a little bit anxious and also excited today as this is my first video coming to you! ?? I hope you're gonna like it, so I will share more in the future. Today I wanna show you one of the exercises I do while having my Lower Body session. This is a Romanian Deadlift ???‍♀️ If you want to develop and strenghten your harmstrings and increase the mobility of your hips, you should definitely include Romanian Deadlifts to your exercise list. This exercise also builds stronger and more stable lower back ?? The move starts from the straight position (unlike the Conventional Deadlift) and you go down and up and this is one rep. I do advise you to take a video to check your form. My 1st attempt in my video was 50kg and I felt quite good about it ? But I see also I should more squeeze my glutes when I finish the move. However my back is straight, I push my butt back and I lower the bar down of my legs as far as I can (here even until the bar hits the floor, a little bit too long I believe) ? And then if you see my next attempt with 60kg, this one is not a proper form. My back is not straight and it could cause an injury. You also see that my posture is not stable, the move is not flawless at all and I do not lift with confidence... But it was just a try and this is only my 4th week of lifting, so I am still working on adding more weights and for now I am comfortable only with 55kg ????‍♀️ I am not an expert, so I am open to a discussion on my form ☺️?? And please, let me know if you would like to see more videos ??? Happy Sunday guys! ? #fitness #motivation #lifting #deadlift #romaniandeadlift

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