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Kārlis Melngalvis
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Interneta hits - vīrietis, kurš dzīvo kā nāra (1)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: Instagram/ mertailor

Ne visi puisēni izaugot vēlas būt supervaroņi – Ēriks Dučarms vēlējās kļūt par nāru.

To, ka viņam ir interesē zemūdens pasaule, vīrietis saprata trīs gadu vecumā, apmeklējot ūdens atrakciju parku. “No tā brīža viss, ko es vēlējos darīt, bija peldēt ūdenī ar nārām. Viņas ir tik maģiskas un brīvas būtnes.”

Intervijā kanālam "Fox" Dučarms pastāstīja, ka 8 gadu vecumā pats sev sāka šūt nāru astes, savukārt 16 gados jau mācījās ilgi aizturēt elpu un izbaudīt ūdens priekus.

“Darbs zem ūdens prasa ilgu praksi un pacietību,” atklāja vīrietis, kurš spēj zem ūdens noturēt elpu pat 4 minūtes. “Ir jāzina, ko zem ūdens darīt, jāuzticas sev un jāatceras, ka drošība vienmēr ir pirmajā vietā. Tas prasa daudz stundas smaga darba, lai izskatītos, ka tas ir vienkārši.”

Skolā Dučarmam bija smagi, jo viņš tika uzskatīts par dīvaini. “Daudzus gadus mani nosodīja un uzskatīja par dīvaini manas aizraušanās dēļ. Citi bērni vienkārši nesaprata manu aizraušanos, tāpēc es ļoti daudz laika pavadīju vienatnē. Esmu laimīgs, ka man ir saprotoša ģimene, kura palīdzēja man tam posmam iziet cauri.”

Šobrīd Ēriks ir viens no vadošajiem animatoriem ūdens atrakciju parkā, iepriecinot apmeklētājus, tēlojot nāru. Viņš strādā kompānijā “Metailor”, kas rada nāru astes visu vecumu interesentiem.

“Manas astes ir tik pat reālas kā zivis, kas tikko nozvejotas jūsu laivā,” intervijā bilda Ēriks, kura astes veidotas no silikona, neoprēna un lateksa.

Vīrietis norādīja, ka vislaimīgākais viņš jūtas brīdī, kad uzvelk asti un nonāk ūdenī.


For years I have been judged and looked at weirdly and awkwardly by many because of my passion for mermaids, mermen, and the creation of tails. I was told that I was never be successful at what I wanted to do. I was also made fun of because I was a gay man with Tourette's syndrome living his passion. Never once did I let that get into my way. Because of my strength and the support of my fans, friends, and true family, I have gone leaps and bounds beyond my wildest dreams. Creating an empire and Fighting for "mer-equality" has been a major role that I've chosen to undertake. When you decide to purchase from Mertailor, remember there's a true and deep story here. Remember that young boy who created this story, that many today are free to live! We support mermaids and mermen of all colors, shapes, and races! It's not just about women in tails, it's about men and women living their dreams. Thank you for the 15 plus years! The industry demographic maybe women in tails, but I refuse to follow that demographic 100%. It's about everyone. Photography by @angelinaventurellaphoto #mertailor #themertailor #merman #mermaid #mermaidtail #mermantail #sunset #southcarolina #dock #basking #rainbow #equality #instaart #instagay #gaystagram #instagood #instadaily #instalike #liveyourdreams #dreamy #lifestyle #choice #strong #believeinyourself #standup #standout #lgbt #empire #originalcharacter #storyofmylife

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Thanks to everyone who joined in on my live feed! For those of you who missed it, here’s the big announcement! We are releasing SILICONE tail skins for our Fantasea Fins the Thursday afternoon, February 8th! Made from quality silicone rubber, 3-d detail and embedded glitters. They are going to come in 5 stock sizes (refer to our Eco Tail chart) and 4 colors. There will be a limited amount available and we know they are going to sell fast! Prices for the Fantasea Fin and Silicone Tail Skin package will be $650 USD plus shipping. The total weight of these tails range between 15-18 lbs and fold up nicely in a backpack. We will begin shipping these brightly colored beauties 60 days after the release date ❤️Thanks for your continued love and support, we are so excited with this launch and many more to come in 2018. ✨ #Fantasea #Fantaseafin #liveyourfantasy #mertailor #themertailor #merman #mermaid #mermaidtail #siliconemermaidtail #putasmileonyourface #mertailorpod #baseballcap #mermaidcostume #glitter #entrepreneur #monofin #mermaidfin #mermaidlife #mermazing #littlemermaid #thelittlemermaid #disney #mermaiding #realmermaid #cosplay #costume #mermaidstyle #mermaidhair

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