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Anti «Victoria's Secret» skate: visas sievietes var būt eņģeļi! (23)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: Ekrānšāviņš

Grūti pat iedomāties, ka kāds varētu vērsties pret ikgadējo, krāšņo «Victorias Secret» apakšveļas modes skati, ko izrāda pasaules pieprasītākās modeles... Tomēr eksistē šāda anti «Victoria’s Secret» kustība, kas cenšas pasaulē popularizēt ideju, ka jebkura sieviete var tapt par «eņģeli», pat, ja tev nav kāja, esi punduris vai esi citādi vizuāli atšķirīga.


December of 2015, 22 year old @chansteinnn life flashed before her eyes. . - She was a passenger in a car accident that ended up wrapped around a telephone pole. . - She suffered a fractured spine and spent countless months in a brace doing very little and attending countless hours of physical therapy. . - PT suggested that she change her career since she is a hair stylist and on her feet most of the day. . - Instead of just giving up and taking the easy route, she chose to work hard and get her body strong again by eating healthy and working out (swipe to see her body transformation in just 8 months??) . - She said that “this random incident was an eyeopener to how amazing & strong our bodies really are and how often we take them for granted.” . - LOVE YOUR BODY, no matter what shape or size. (Click the link in my bio to check out our BODY CONFIDENCE FASHION SHOW! ???) . . . . . . ?: @shostikiraphotography @tangiblelittlemoments #bestrong #fighter #fight #nevergiveup #neversettle #salon #style #workout #work #workhard #loveyourbody #loveyourself #body #life #happy #grateful #cars #fitness #hospital #hair #mua #makeup #hairstylist #wcw #bodyconfidence #victoriassecret #fashion #fashionshow #model #njmodel

A post shared by Lexi Scaffidi (@bitesizedsis) on


One of the beautiful angels that walked in our anti-Victoria’s Secret Fashion show was @jill_ilana !? . - @jill_ilana was born an achondroplastic dwarf (the most common of the 300+ types) and is 3”11. . - But being a little person doesn’t hold back this AMAZING individual from living a normal life. . - Something inspiring Jillian said before was that, "I will never know what it’s like to buy a pair of pants that fit me, use all of the gym equipment without difficulty, or walk anywhere without pointing and stares. . - But that’s OKAY. . - Being a dwarf hasn’t stopped me from going to school, driving a car, traveling the world, and overcoming any obstacle that comes my way. And it will NEVER stop me! ?? . - Quit complaining and start appreciating all that you are blessed with! (click the link in my bio to watch the entire fashion show!???‍♀️) . . . . . . . . ?: @shostikira @tangiblelittlemoments #nevergiveup #angel #victoriassecret #fashionshow #littlepeople #dwarf #model #glamour #instagood #beyourself #bedifferent #runway #dreams #photography #victoriassecretfashionshow #girls #happy #life #smile #inspiration #inspire #workhard #neversaynever #yahoo #buzzfeed #refinery29 #perfectlyme #confidentlybeautiful #women #beyoutiful

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We are all {{ d i f f e r e n t }} . - We all look d i f f e r e n t.. . - We were all raised d i f f e r e n t. . - We all have d i f f e r e n t careers. . - We all come from different geographic places. . - BUT..... no matter our differences, we are all HUMANS that were placed on this earth to spread love, kindness, equality, and respect. . - Join us in our #bodyconfidence movement which embraces who you are and shows you how to love yourself! (Click the link in my bio to check out our recreation of the @victoriassecret Fashion show!! Also, there is a link to purchase the “different” shirt in the description! ?) . . . . . . ?: @zuke_rs ?: @julie_kramer @bitesizedfitness @glam_by_sofi @brina_lovelaughlift @chansteinnn @hexadecimate @biy_makeup_ @ksevo #bedifferent #loveyourbody #loveyourself #girl #women #girlboss #confidentlybeautiful #perfectlyme #different #life #fashion #fashionshow #boss #bossbabe #equality #strongwomen #womenempowerment #girlpower #squadgoals #photography #victoriassecret #vsangel #angel #happy #smile #follow #instadaily #instagood #love

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At just 11 years old @tessnyder was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (a form of bone cancer). The only thing that could save her life was to amputate her leg above the knee and she did just that. . - Imagine being in 5th grade and learning of this diagnosis. (What would you do, how would you feel?) . - Imagine not being able to go to school the next year due to your surgery/chemo and then arriving back the following year and getting made fun of because you lost all your hair and walked with a limp. . - Just because this woman lost her leg from cancer doesn’t limit her ability to do anything and live a normal life. . - Now she is happily married to @caseyvsnyder and has 2 adorable kids! . - If you’re struggling in a situation similar to Tessa’s don’t give up or let the bullies bring you down. Dream big, think positive, and know others out there are on your side!! . - We were fortunate to have had this beautiful soul in our recreation of the #victoriassecret fashion show!??? (click the link in my bio to watch??) . . . . . . ?: @shostikiraphotography @tangiblelittlemoments #cancersucks #17yearscancerfree #fightcancer #cancer #nevergiveup #youwillbeokay #fashion #fighter #selflove #loveyourself #loveyourbody #bodyconfidence #vsangel #angel #victoriassecret #model #njmodel #amputeemodel #osteosarcoma #strongwomen #bitesizedfitness #brave #inspiration #strong #bedifferent #wcw #wce #loveher

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SWIPE ??!! WARNING: Some of the images may be graphic, but it’s real life and she’s one of my heroes so it needs to be shown!! . - 3 and a half years ago, 23 year old, @julie_kramer was diagnosed with stage 4 synovial sarcoma (aka rare form of soft-tissue cancer) . - TODAY Julie is cancer FREE and has literally kicked cancer in the ASS! . - If you people think I’m a positive person, Julie is 1000 times more positive and upbeat them I am even after she went through hell and back. . - She’s literally a ray of light that shines all day everyday. (oh and her fiancé @marty_finch is pretty AWESOME too!) . - We were fortunate to have Julie walk as an angel in our body confidence fashion show and she literally killed it!! (I know, she looks like a real @victoriassecret angel right!?!) . - I LOVE this fierce warrior whom I met a few months ago so much!? She is one of the STRONGEST women I know and I have followed her journey since she made it on the @theellenshow a few years back due to her incredible fight! . - CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO TO WATCH THIS GIRL SLAY THE RUNWAY!! . - Lastly, I leave you with this message from Julie herself ~ “I never thought I took life for granted until I was diagnosed. To be able to see life in a totally different aspect now is incredible and I feel so alive! Life is way too short people. Make sure you don’t sweat the small stuff and do things that truly make you happy! And if you’re ever feeling doubtful of yourself, just remember - life is tough...but so are YOU!” ✨??#nevergiveup #cancersucks #yolo . . . . #iloveyou #strongwoman #wcw #inspiration #love #gorgeous #victoriassecret #model #angel #synovialsarcoma #cancer #strong #life #happy #smile #vsangel #battle #warrior #selflove #scars #bodyconfidence #fashion #fashionshow #ellen #news #instagram #photography

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