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Agnese Zeltiņa atgriežas teātrī un uzreiz tiek pie galvenās lomas (97)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: Paula Čurkste/LETA

Aktrise, modele un rotu dizainere Agnese Zeltiņa šajā sezonā pēc vairāku gadu pārtraukuma atgriežas uz teātra skatuves un jaunā izrādē būs redzama galvenajā lomā.

Viņa oktobrī atgriezīsies uz Dailes teātra kamerzāles skatuves ar lugu «Kas baidās no Virdžīnijas Vulfas?», kurā atveidos Martu. Kopā ar viņu uzstāsies Ivars Auziņš (Džordžs), Elīna Avotiņa (Dārgums) un Andris Bulis (Niks).

«Marta un Džordžs ir laulāts pāris, kurš spēlē bīstamas emocionālas spēles. Kad pēc viesībām viņiem uz dzērienu pievienojas otrs precēts pāris, izrādās, ka Martas un Džordža laulība ir uz sabrukuma robežas. Pazemojošos pārmetumos un agresīvā izsmieklā atklājas viss attiecību rūgtums un pieviltās cerības.

Taču nav jau tā, ka Nika un viņa Dārguma laulībā viss būtu ideāli. Pamazām sagraujot pašu izlolotās ilūzijas un atgriežoties pie sāpīgi neērtās realitātes, viņiem visiem kopā jāpārdzīvo šī «Valpurģu nakts» un eksorcisma rituālā jāizdzen no sevis dziļi slēptie dēmoni,» par izrādi informē teātris.

nācās izsvītrot no repertuāra


Bye, bye stolen summer!☀️?#summer #italy #pantelleriaisland #actress #vasara

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"Today I started a new trip, the destination of which is the premiere of the @dailesteatris.lv on October 10 th. ? ⭐️ http://www.dailesteatris.lv/izrade/606/kam-no-vilka-kundzes-bail Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" is a play by Edward Albee first staged in 1962. It examines the breakdown of the marriage of a middle-aged couple, Martha and George. History professor George and his boozy wife, Martha, return late one Saturday night from a cocktail party??? at the home of the college president, Martha's father. Martha announces that she invited another couple, newly appointed instructor Nick and his timid wife, Honey , over for a nightcap. When the younger couple arrive, the night erupts into a no-holds-barred torrent of marital angst and verbal tirades. ???Photo @aigarēdmane ?

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3️⃣?️? ACTRESS ?By choosing to become an actress, you choose your destiny. ?I think other actresses will agree to me. ??‍♂️??It's not exactly the same thing as working in the office with a strictly defined eight-hour working time. ? Already during my school in my hometown Sigulda, I was preparing several performances with my classmates ?, but everything became serious when my mother took me ?‍?to the preparation courses of Mara Ķimele before a long traineeship in States ??There, for me, a sixteen year old, opened a completely new world. ?The world in which everything was useful - spontaneity ?, passion ?, embarrassment ?, emotions☹️, and the most important thing - everything happened HERE and NOW. Photo ?@bymalinovskaya #grāmata #newbook #actresslife #actress? #agnesezeltina #actress #A-Z #soulstonesbyagnesezeltina #hollywood

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2️⃣ AGNESE?2️⃣ According to numerologists, the word given to us at the time of birth affects our whole life. ? The chain of letters contained in it retains the number of our fate, one of the five most significant figures in the life of each person.? It shows our greatest goal of life, the mission of the soul, the chances of success and the choice of the way of life. ?My Name Day is 21st of Janyary. I use to say - it is my Angel's Day? Lets read what specialists say - Agnese is a smart, balanced person with good taste, but a great calculator and cynic. ( Noo wayy!? ) She clearly knows what life wants to reach and goes to her goal. Yess???♐️ The barriers merely boost the spirit of his fight. ?️Indeeed! ?Agnese is domineering and thirsty, but at the same time longing for the softness and warmth of the heart. And yet there is a lion ?of life and a successor who does not remain unnoticed. Agnese's fate (name) number is 6️⃣Advice - Your mission is to serve.? Your task is to support the family and love your loved ones by constantly training your love of beauty in the community in order to create the harmony of the surrounding life.?‍❤️‍????‍?‍?‍? The scope of your opportunities - any one, in which you learn to show generosity and comfort for others. ??‍⚖️?‍♀️ Even if you are dependent on others or you have a tendency to torment yourself, then you are fulfilling your destiny.??‍??‍⚕️?‍??‍♀️ You were born to care and be a living decoration. Keep your love flames steady.??Do you know WHAT is a meaning of your NAME? ☀️?️???#name #meanings #vārds #vārdanozīme #agnesezeltina #actress? #actresslife #newbook #grāmata #hollywood

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