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Pauls Jānis Siksnis
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Maikla Džeksona meita izrāda savus plikumus (10)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Popmūzikas karaļa Maikla Džeksona meita Parisa sociālajos tīklos publicējusi fotogrāfiju, kurā redzama puskaila.

Saviem četrpadsmit miljoniem sekotāju Džeksone pastāstījusi, ka parasti dārzā ir kaila, jo tas ļauj viņai būt tuvāk mātei dabai. Viņa uzskata, ka kailums ir skaists, un tam ne vienmēr jābūt kam seksuālam. 

Tāpat kailums jaunajai sievietei palīdz iegūt enerģiju un neesot būtiski – esi tieva, korpulenta, ar rētām, celulītu. Ikvienam ir jāmīl sevi un savas formas.

Kā jau ziņots, Parisa uzsākusi aktrises karjeru - viņa piedalīsies trillerī ar komēdijas elementiem un filmēsies kopā ar tādām Holivudas «spīdeklēm», kā Šarlīze Terona un Amanda Seifrīda. Filma stāstīs par uzņēmēju, kurš ceļo uz Meksiku un saskaras ar narkotikām, slepkavām un FIB.

Džeksone jau parakstījusi kontraktu, lai filmētos seriālā «Star», kā arī uzsākusi modeles karjeru sadarbojoties ar «IMG Models».


i'll say it again for those questioning what i stand for and how i express myself. nudity started as a movement for ‘going back to nature’, ‘expressing freedom’, ‘being healthier’ and was even called a philosophy. being naked is part of what makes us human. for me it helps me feel more connected to mama gaia. i'm usually naked when i garden. it's actually a beautiful thing and you don't have to make it sexual the way many hollywood stars (and the media) do. not only is your body a temple and should be worshipped as so, but also part of feminism is being able to express yourself in your own way, whether it's being conservative and wearing lots of clothes or showing yourself. there's different ways of absorbing mother earth's energy, my favorites are earthing which is absorbing the earths vibrations from contact between the soil and your bare feet, as well as letting your naked skin absorb the rays of the sun. the human body is a beautiful thing and no matter what «flaws» you have, whether it be scars, or extra weight, stretch marks, freckles, whatever, it is beautiful and you should express yourself however you feel comfortable. if this makes some of you upset i completely understand and i encourage you to maybe no longer follow me, but i cannot apologize for this in any way. it is who i am and i refuse to shy away and keep my beliefs a secret. every one as an opinion and every one has their beliefs. we don't always agree with one another and that's okay. but again, we are all human, and to appreciate the things that other people do that make us human helps us feel connected. how can that be a bad thing?

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