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Deps greizsirdības lēkmē esot nogriezis sev pirksta galu (12)

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: AP/Scanpix

Tenku portāls TMZ ziņo par Džonija Depa greizsirdības izraisītu agresijas lēkmi pagājušā gada martā – vien mēnesi pēc laulībām ar Hērdu –, kad aktieris esot dusmu uzplūdā nejauši nogriezis sev pirksta galu, bet pēc tam iemērcis roku tumši zilā krāsā un uzrakstījis uz spoguļa Billija Boba Torntona vārdu, turot viņu aizdomās par sakaru ar savu jauno sievu.

Saskaņā ar Amberas versiju par notikušo, Džonijs, kurš bijis piedzēries un salietojies ekstazī, sadauzījis vairākas pudeles un logus, kā arī metis pret sienu telefonu. Hērda apgalvo, ka šī incidenta laikā Deps nogriezis savas labās rokas vidējā pirksta galu, raksta TMZ.

Ambera arīdzan atklāj, ka pēc tam viņš iemērcis pirkstu tumši zilā krāsā un uzrakstījis uz spoguļa vairākus vārdus, tostarp «Billijs Bobs» (Billy Bob) un «vieglā Ambera» (Easy Amber).

Hērda ar Billiju Bobu Torntonu kopā filmējās un apgalvo, ka Deps apsūdzējis viņus abus par seksuālu sakaru. Viņa apsūdzību noliedz, kā arī atklāj, ka Deps viņu apsūdzējis neuzticībā arī ar citiem vīriešiem.

Hērdai tuvu stāvoši cilvēki apgalvo, ka Deps 24 stundas pēc incidenta neesot saņēmis medicīnisku palīdzību, tāpēc ārsti neesot varējuši pirksta galu piešūt. Viņiem nācies izmantot miesas gabaliņu no viņa rokas, lai piešūtu jaunu pirkstgalu.

Arī Billijs Bobs Torntons TMZ apgalvo, ka apsūdzība krāpšanā ir smieklīga un «pilnīgi nepatiesa». Lai arī viņi kopā filmējušies, abi pat neesot sarunājušies. Billijs Bobs kopš 2014.gada ir precējies ar grima un kostīmu mākslinieci Koniju Anglandi (Connie Angland). Viņš ar sievu šo incidentu ir pārrunājis un garantē, ka tas ir Depa fantāzijas auglis. 

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Foto: AP/Scanpix

Questioning #AmberHeard, took place on 13 August and lasted 7 hours. . She was mostly asking about the smallest details of all episodes of domestic violence on the part of #JohnnyDepp. Also, #TMZ says that they again discussed the world and that none of the parties wants the court, they probably will try to settle, but now there is new information that the peace agreement we can't wait: condition Amber is the recognition Depp guilt in writing, from which they flatly refuse. Amber terribly exhausted and what is happening, and oppression of the media. Interrogation of Depp was not, he was not (on this occasion in the media word, mind you). The courts are expected to begin on 17 August, probably because of this, they will take over. But Amber has a new member in the team is a well-known attorney Pierce O'Donnell. . Meanwhile, TMZ is making a new plum: this time their story was the incident in Australia in March 2015, which Depp had to stop their shooting. It is reported that the drunk and on ecstasy, Depp found wild jealousy, he broke a few bottles and Windows and also threw a plastic phone in the wall. One of the pieces he'd cut off the middle finger of the right hand, as evidenced by the photos of the surgery room. After that, he dipped his maimed finger into the dark blue paint and painted the mixture of his own blood and paint on the mirror in the bathroom "Starring: Billy Bob and readily accessible Amber." We are talking about #BillyBobThornton - they both starred in the films #FridayNightLight and #TheInformers (but don't overlap), as well as starring in #LondonFields, along with Depp. Portal #People have already contacted close to Billy Bob and they categorically deny that between them there was something; Amber also denies this. Medical care Depp has had almost 24 hours later, so the piece cut off a finger to sew failed, but his hands took a bit of skin and made a "patch". . As reported by E!, Amber was very frightened and traumatized. . #actress #Mera #JusticeLeague #Aquaman #DCComics #WeAreWithYouAmberHeard

A photo posted by Amber Heard (@amberheard__) on

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