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Marina Latiševa
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Valērija Sagāna ir 27 gadus veca jogas fanāte no Sanfrancisko. Viņa nodarbojas ar Big Gal Jogu. Valērija guvusi lielu popularitāti, sociālajos tīklos ievietojot foto un video no savām jogas nodarbībā.

Nav nekā neparasta, ja cilvēks pievērsies jogai, bet Valērijas gadījumā neparasts ir fakts, ka viņa ir ar lielu lieko svaru, sieviete valkā 22 izmēra apģērbu, bet, neskatoties uz to, ir ļoti lokana un izveicīga, izpildot jogas pozas.

Pati Valērija saka, ka izplatot foto no savām jogas nodarbībām, viņa vēlas iedrošināt cilvēkus uzticēties tādiem, kuri neizskatās kā viņi paši. «Es esmu tikpat lokana, (jogā) spēju to pašu, ko ļoti tievas meitenes!» saka Valērija.


Glad to be back home from my trip in Portland and Montana. Though I will be traveling to NYC real quick and heading back. Lots of travel time ✈ Words can't describe how much love I have for you guys! Sometimes I don't feel like I'm fully immersed into the community enough, but I still care about all of you! I'm excited that there are such generous people out there to help me out with my yoga teacher training journey! I also think that I want to take @amber_karnes and @diannebondyyoga's body positive course as well. Even though i'm a bigger bodied person and understand how bigger bodies work, it would be great to learn from some experienced amazing body positive yoga teachers! Also loving my new rad sea creature leggings from @personalrecordofficial ! Glad that her shop has finally launched and she's having great business! Leggings by @personalrecordofficial ? Mat by @laviebohemeyoga ?

A photo posted by @biggalyoga on


Sept 7th - Day 29 of the #FlexinASweat Yoga Wheel challenge with @gypsetcity and @biggalyoga Sponsors: @breakin_a_sweat @fractal.9 @laviebohemeyoga Wow, last day of the yoga wheel challenge!!! It's been fun learning and trying out new things with the wheel this month that I wasn't sure of trying before! Still being suprised and proud of myself for accomplishing new types of practice. So happy that you joined with @gypsetcity @breakin_a_sweat @fractal.9 and @laviebohemeyoga for this challenge, and you all rock! Just FYI I fell off the wheel so many times practicing this ?! Got to really find that center balance. Thank you all for participating in the challenge! ❤ How to join in: ● Follow hosts @gypsetcity and @biggalyoga and sponsors @breakin_a_sweat @fractal.9 @laviebohemeyoga ● Share flyer to help promote! ● Post a photo or video of yourself in the daily pose (With or without a yoga wheel). ● Tag #FlexinASweat in your post as well as the hosts and sponsors! Yoga Wheel by @breakin_a_sweat 12" wheel? Mat by @laviebohemeyoga ? Bralette by @torridfashion ? Shorts by @lineagewear ? #BASyogawheel #breakinasweat #yogachallenge

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Shout out to the awesome @dearkates for the cute undies! Small business company making clothes for women by women! Love the fabric, and colors! Glad that the front has good coverage of my hoo-ha, which is sometimes problematic with undies as a big gal. They are also sponsoring my #biggalyoga50kfollowergiveaway where you can win a really great pair of undies too! Plus they are giving out a discount code for everyone to use! Code: BigGalYoga25 Please help support this great company, which brought you guys the campaign #theperfectbody project to rebuttal Victoria's Secret The "Perfect" Body. Showing that the perfect body is your own beautiful body whether you are big or small. We all have different unique bodies, sometimes it's hard to love it, but we all should have a good relationship with it. Keep sharing my giveaway flyer to participate in the giveaway!! Last day to join in the giveaway is tomorrow September 7th! See flyer for details! Two lucky people will have a chance to get a pick of undies of their choice!

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Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex. - Norman Vincent Peale ------------------------------------------------------------ I've finally been able to hold my crow pose for a little bit. I just need to find more strength in my arms and core to stay up longer. It's funny how you can practice a pose and fail so hard at it, and then all of a sudden things just click and you find the right groove and tricks of the pose. I didn't understand the lift part of pose till recently, and it all made sense when practicing. Also, I think one thing I'll definitely miss about not having this space to practice yoga is that I can't wear my undies around freely for the time being. Haha ?!

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Aug 11th - Day 2 of the #FlexinASweat Yoga Wheel challenge with @gypsetcity and @biggalyoga Sponsors: @breakin_a_sweat @fractal.9 @laviebohemeyoga Felt like practicing scorpion instead of the wheel for today's pose. Using the wheel actually feels way better than using a block! The yoga wheel has more of a weight than the block, which has helped keep my hands from lifting up and not balancing on my elbows. I felt more of a balancing using it as well because my head resting against the wheel helped stabilize me like in headstand. Going to be fun practicing with it more! And yes #FuckFatPhobia! I'll show my ass off as much I want ? How to join in: ● Follow hosts @gypsetcity and @biggalyoga and sponsors @breakin_a_sweat @fractal.9 @laviebohemeyoga ● Share flyer to help promote! ● Post a photo or video of yourself in the daily pose (With or without a yoga wheel). ● Tag #FlexinASweat in your post as well as the hosts and sponsors! Mat by @laviebohemeyoga ? Yoga Wheel by @breakin_a_sweat #yogachallenge #augustyogachallenge #yogawheel #BASyogawheel #breakinasweat #fractal9 #laviebohemeyoga #yoga #yogi #yogini #backbendlove #backopener #yogaprop #motivation #motivated #yogacommunity #gypsetcity #biggalyoga #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogaaday

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