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Dace Otomere
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Apstiprinu, ka esmu vismaz 18 gadus vecs!

Par jaunāko modes tendenci kļūst bikini veidoti no līmlentes

Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka raksts ir vairāk nekā piecus gadus vecs un ir pārvietots uz mūsu arhīvu. Mēs neatjauninām arhīvu saturu, tāpēc var būt nepieciešams meklēt jaunākus avotus.
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Foto: Instagram/ blacktapeproject

ASV zīmols “Black Tape Project” prezentēja savu vasaras peldkostīmu jauno kolekciju, kurā visi bikini ir izgatavoti no dažādu krāsu līmlentēm.

Modes skatē modelēm uz kailiem ķermeņiem dažādos veidos bija uzlīmētas līmlentes – dažām no viņām tika izveidoti kopējie peldkostīmi melnā krāsā, savukārt citas tika pie mētaliskas krāsas līmlentēm.


Very huge and special thanks to someone very little of you know has had a huge impact on my career. @erikrosete of the @artheartsfashion. About 4 years ago he allowed me to collaborate in one of his infamous mrtriplex shows in LA and that was my first experience in the fashion. This year he calls me and invited me to headline his show for Miami swim week. With out a doubt this was one of those crazy fun filled weeks in my home town but if it wasn't for Eric and his team guiding me through the madness of what comes with fashion and all the hard work from every one involved. I can't thank you enough Eric and every one at the artsheartsfashion family. The show received so much buzz, models lining up to walk for me and the fans that came out to support. . . If you missed the show I did something a little different. I created 13 designs to walk but I worked on one live in the intro of the show just to give you an idea of what goes into the designs. The designed I showcased were a mixture of old and new designs. I created a few to imitate swimwear in theme of Miami swim week. The design I created live is one of the more basic designs as the ones walking took close to an hour to prepare. We finished all 13 designs just minutes prior to the show. . . #miamiswimweek #miamiswim #swimmiami #swimlife #blacktapeproject #artheartsfashion #fashionweek #miami #goldtape #blacktape.

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Projektu “Black Tape Project” 2018. gadā uzsāka mākslinieks Džoels Alvarezs. Viņa zīmols, kas specializējas uz alternatīvo modi, ieguva daudzus tūkstošus sekotāju sociālajos tīklos.

Kā liecina zīmola mājaslapā pieejamā informācija, peldkostīmus nevar nopirkt “jau izveidotus”, tādēļ ir jāpasūta līmlente, kuru cenas variē no 25 līdz 40 ASV dolāriem par vienu līmlentes rullīti.

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